AIN addresses vulnerabilities in 5G mobile communications
AIN investigates security aspects in radio communication networks, which, particularly through 5G, gain a central role for data communication in professional fields – including critical infrastructures such as energy and water supply, logistics and transportation. The associated risks in terms of IT security and data protection arising from the use of 5G as a communications infrastructure must be identified accordingly in order to address potential vulnerabilities.
The “Open RAN Risk Analysis” study was commissioned and financed by the German Federal Office for Information Security (BSI) and written by the Barkhausen Institute as an independent research institute in cooperation with AIN and with the support of secunet Security Networks AG. The focus of this study lies on the implementation proposal for a 5G-RAN specified by the O‑RAN ALLIANCE, in short O‑RAN. Based on the current specifications at the time, the study presents the resulting threats and risks, which can serve as a basis for decision-making regarding necessary future measures to minimize risks.