Real-time Smart Far­ming with 5G

AI is con­duc­ting real-time net­wor­ked sy­stems and pro­ces­ses of Smart Far­ming (SF) using 5G in or­der to pro­vi­de a pre­vious­ly un­avail­ab­le in­for­ma­ti­on base for de­ci­si­on-ma­king in agri­cul­tu­re that is cri­ti­cal for suc­cess and sustaina­bi­li­ty. Spe­ci­fi­cal­ly, the pro­ject de­mon­stra­tes the po­ten­ti­al of 5G in agri­cul­tu­re un­der rea­li­stic con­di­ti­ons by using the smart fer­ti­liz­a­ti­on use case. En­vi­ron­men­tal and plant data are collec­ted and trans­mit­ted to the Edge-Cloud, which is the core ele­ment of the 5G-Pre­CiSe en­vi­ron­ment, using sen­sors immedia­te­ly be­fo­re and du­ring the fer­ti­liz­a­ti­on pro­cess. Using ad­di­tio­nal data from va­rious sources (e.g. sa­tel­li­te images) and si­mu­la­ti­on mo­dels, the Edge-Cloud cal­cu­la­tes the op­ti­mal fer­ti­li­zer needs for the ma­nage­ment zone cur­r­ent­ly being tra­ver­sed by the far­ming ma­chi­ne through rule al­go­rith­ms and feeds the in­for­ma­ti­on back to the far­ming machine.

For this pro­cess to oc­cur from data collec­tion to fer­ti­liz­a­ti­on in real-time, 5G is re­qui­red as a fast com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on me­di­um. In the pro­ject, smart fer­ti­liz­a­ti­on ser­ves as an ex­em­pla­ry use case. In ad­di­ti­on, using 5G, the con­cepts de­ve­lo­ped in the pro­ject for con­nec­ting sen­sors, ac­tua­tors, data sources, cloud ser­vices, and si­mu­la­ti­on mo­dels in a data mesh will be ex­ten­ded to other use ca­ses in agriculture.

Pic­tu­re credits: Bri­git­te Braun
Ha­gen Freytag

Se­ni­or En­gi­neer Cam­pus Networks